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Friday, August 26, 2011

More Tricks - Panorama

One of the great things about shooting digital is all the after the fact edits we can do with image processing software. We used to spend hours in the darkroom making end results that really hardly hold a candle to what even the simplest of image processing programs can do.

Which program should you buy? Again, my answer will be: It depends on you. I have four from four different companies. I like them all and each one has a special thing in it that the other three don't.

Here's what I did in about 3 1/2 minutes with one. Making a panorama.

Take these three (or more) pics:

Stitch them together, crop out the artifacts the program left over, and you end up with this:
It's best if you use a tripod. Also, make sure you have enough overlap in each image. Most programs that are capable of panorama need about 1/5th to 1/3rd of the image to overlap. And, even with the most careful tripod use and exacting lining up of overlaps, you will still have some raw image artifacts to crop out. The next issue may be finding somewhere capable of printing the large image. Or, you can just use them in digital form, as a desktop or part of a slideshow.

Again, practice around your home town before trying it on vacation. Then, you'll be familiar and comfortable with the process.

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