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Sunday, June 23, 2013

The "Big Moon" Illusion

Fools a lot of people. Many will absolutely swear that the Moon (Earth's natural satellite) is actually bigger, filling up more sky, when it is near the horizon as it sets or rises. Not so! It remains the same size, but seeing it near ground objects like trees or buildings, or even mountains, makes it seem so.

I can make it bigger if I want with Photoshop!

A good way to prove this to yourself is with a quarter and a few hours time. When you see the full Moon rising on the horizon, hold out a quarter in your outstretched arm and put it over the Moon. It just fits. A few hours later, when the Moon is high in the sky and you would swear that it is smaller, repeat the quarter test. It just fits.

The mind is a powerful thing! And the Moon rising over trees or a lake or downtown Denver IS beautiful! Understanding the universe around us makes it even more beautiful, in my opinion.

Here is a nice, easy enough to read, scientific paper explaining the ever so powerful Moon Illusion.

orange lines are same size
orange circles are same size

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