Ever try to e-mail an image file or maybe several image files and you get that error message that your files are too large?
With DSLR sensors growing with every new model, image file sizes are growing, too. When we had 6MB sensors, the largest file we could capture, even in RAW was right about 6MB. Usually a little less. Then, we all jumped to the 10-12MB range. Now, we have consumer model cameras with sensors of 18, 21, 24, and even 36MB. That's a lot of info!
And if you save your photoshop work in a non-compressed version, your final image size could easily top 100MB!
Cloud storage is a great work around to sharing these large files. Free accounts, either with an iPad purchase or a site like Box.com often give you access to 5GB or more of storage, sometimes limiting each file upload/download to 250MB.
Upload to the cloud, e-mail the link, and watch your friends enjoy your work.
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