We used to be able to carry around these little things that were about the size of a Walkman, but were actually TVs. That way, if the big game or some major news event were going on and we weren't home to watch it, we could still see it. Problems were that the screens were tiny and the tuning was very touchy.
Digital TV broadcasting has made those old units obsolete, but we do still have portable TV options. And the picture is much, much better now. Easier to tune and watch also.
Many are also usable as video monitors for our video shoots. A nice option, since so many of us now have DSLRs that capture video in very high quality.
Like this little 7" screen TV. Rechargeable, has USB input, so we aren't limited to over the air content, and has a headphone/earpiece jack so we won't bother others around us. At $104 with free shipping, it's a good deal. Look around that site for the best portable for your own wants and needs.

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